Juliette Bergmann IFBB Ms. Olympia
juliettemsolympia.com IFBB NBBF Juliette Bergmann

My training is like always the same basic excersises combined with cardio. Cardio is how I defined my legs and calves. As you notice I never train Calves but because of all the cardio they developed by themselves. Abs you train with all the exercises you do and the only way to make them visible is with diet and cardio. At least that's how it worked for me and everybody is different so what is right for me might not be right for you.


When I was younger I trained 2 muscle groups a day with cardio but now after 30 years of training and being a little older I adjusted my training to have more rest to repair.


Now I train 1 muscle group a day followed with cardio or I change to 2 muscle groups a day and the other day cardio. Depending on how I feel and how my schedule for work and travelling is.


But my basic training for the muscle groups stay the same.





Bench Press

Incline banch press

Dumbell Press Incline

Peck Deck or Cablecross




Pull down (neck)

Seated rowing

Dumbell row

Pull down front small




Neckpress seated (back)

Neckpress seated (front)

Side Laterals

Cable laterals




Barbell row

Seated incline with Barbell

Incline seated barbell




Pull down

Dumbell extension

Rope extension




Full squats

Leg presses

Leg extensions

Leg curls

abductions machine

adductions machine












Not to forget my diet!


Well I almost forgotten about it because it is so simpel.


I count calories and have to burn more when I like to loose weight/fat and eat more calories when I like to become heavier/more muscular.


Ofcourse the source of food must be good and in the right balance, for me that is 60% protein/20% carbs/20% fat.


My food sources are chicken, red meat, fish, shellfish, vegetables, rice, noodles, pasta, oatmeal, low fat yoghurt and milk.


I also like to enjoy live but that is possible because I count calories and when I overconsume I do more cardio. I hate and love cardio, hate it because I hate to do it, Love it because that is the way for me to stay in good shape all year round while enjoying live.




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